Dr. Bish,
I'm not sure that I understand your comment about HL7 being an
"exclusive club"... although you seem to be alluding to the cost of
membership.  I have only dealt with individual membership dues which run
about $500/yr. While it's true that other classes of membership are more
costly, I believe this reflects the present operational costs of an ANSI
accredited standards committee.  X12 costs are similar.

I agree that from the provider perspective, the costs to participate in
HL7 are often seen as prohibitive... particularly when time, travel, and
lodging costs are considered for meeting attendance.  The same is true
of  X12N and UN/CEFACT, which explains the dearth of provider input to
these organizations.  It also helps to explain why the US govt. is
presently attempting to force big-payer-inspired EDI standards onto our
entire healthcare community, when the X12 EDI model is clearly of no
value to >300,000 provider organizations.  However, there were no
provider-centric standards that the government could have adopted in
lieu of X12's... because there are no provider-centric SDOs, or even
Insurance-centric SDOs with significant provider input.  HL7 is
"provider-centric" in theory, but all SDOs end up being "dues-paying
member"-centric in actual operation... something that can be changed.
simply by having provider associations participate as members.

Providers need an SDO that is focused on the functional requirements of
*healthcare* delivery in all 30 or so major specialty domains and care
settings.  From SDO-maintained functional models, vendors should be able
to design provider systems with reasonable levels of interoperability...
and any sort of EHR system that a user may require.

This approach to standards development is not supported by the
part-time, all-volunteer, big-enterprise-member SDO model used by HL7.
Providers require a standards organization with a predictable revenue
stream and reliable, full-time human resources.  But... that means
provider associations and specialty societies must step forward... as
HL7 members... and insist on a mechanism for getting their members'
needs baked into our global standards.  HL7 will always adapt to the
needs of its members, as it has for 15 years.

NCVHS, DHHS, CMS, and the agencies behind the Consolidated Health
Informatics initiative (DOD, Veterans Adm, Indian Health, Homeland
Security, etc.)... are unanimous in selecting HL7 are the lead SDO for
health care in the US.  The federal govt. is particularly interested in
the EHR work and is expecting HL7 to take the lead there, as well.
There has never been a better opportunity or a more obvious need for
massive provider input than around these "EHR" issues.

It's time providers got themselves onto the Big SDO Radar Screen.  At
this time, HL7 appears to be our best entry point for providers in the
US and abroad.

Best regards,

Christopher J. Feahr, O.D.
Optiserv Consulting (Vision Industry)
Office: (707) 579-4984
Cell: (707) 529-2268
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "USM Bish" <b...@hathway.com>
To: <openehr-technical at openehr.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Open Source EHR at the Americal Academy of Family
Physicians ...

> On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 04:29:37PM -0700, Christopher Feahr wrote:
> >
> > Personally, I  would like to  see all  EHR-related standards
> > work... at least in the US... coordinated under the umbrella
> > of HL7. At the moment, the CCR project does not appear to be
> > headed toward HL7.
> I really don't know if HL7 would  be the way things would go
> unless  they  remove  the  image  that  they  belong  to  an
> exclusive club. The response I received from HL-7 (India) is
> placed below for your perusal.
> Dr USM Bish
> ----------------------<snip>----------------------------
> >
> > You could receive the same from  HL7 Inida. This is provided
> > along  with HL7  India membership.  ( membership  fee is  Rs
> > 35,000)
> >
> > regards
> >
> > Saji
> >
> > > bish at hathway.com wrote:
> > > On 2003-04-10 at 03:14:04
> > >
> > > I am interested in obtaining the full HL-7 specs valid as on
> > > date. It  is requested,  that I may  kindly be  advised from
> > > where I could obtain the same.
> > >
> > > USM Bish
> ----------------------</snip>----------------------------
> -
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> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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