
On 06 Dec 2004, at 09:10, lakewood at copper.net wrote:

> An episode at age 10 is not likely to be important at age 30, 40 or 
> beyond.


An episode of appendicitis at 10,
an episode where the spleen is removed,
an episode of leukemia at 10,
all are more or less very important,
when talking about the disease related episode.
In contrast the administrative related episodes are NOT important under 
must (non-legal) circumstances.
Although it might be important to know for a relatively short period 
that because of hart failure the patient is admitted to a hospital 
every other week.

The list of recorded episodes is very valuable to discern important 
medical facts from common colds, and bruises.
It is the patients medical history where important medical facts are 

Do we have a list of use cases for each type of Episode?


--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
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2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

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