wow, wow!

--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

+31 252 544896
+31 654 792800
On 07 Dec 2004, at 06:46, Sam Heard wrote:

>> Bye the way.
>> What types of standardized proto-Archetypes will we need?
> There are some interesting ones potentially.....
> visualisation is one that I am interested in. To cover external 
> observation and all forms of Xrays, Ultrasound etc. The advantage is 
> that if you are interested in the Liver - it would be easy to find all 
> visualisations - at laparotomy, by ultrasound, CT.
> The price for such an approach may be too high - but I kind of like 
> the idea of it. Visualisation.ultrasound or visualisation.xray.ctscan

What else?
Lets have a look at the CEN/TC251 General Purpose Information 
Components (GPICS) or HL7 v3 CMET's) as starting points.

Visualisation on one hand might means the procedure and result as in a 
Dicom report.
Or on the other hand a specialisation of the Observation GPICS where 
the focus is on the expert opinion about the result of the former 

We need at least two classes of archetypes dealing with obeservations 
(and possibly other topics): the procedure plus result and the expert 
opinion about it.

>> What are the rules for specialization?
> There are the technical ones that ensure that a specialised archetype 
> does not break the rules of the parent - some of these are working in 
> the editor. Generally, specialisation is appropriate if a query on one 
> archetype should return information even if it is in another.

We need those things ecxplicitly in writing.
They have to end up in CEN/TC251 EN13606 part 3.

>> Which proto-archetypes can and can not be specialized?
> No rules as yet.

We need rules for this and several other things.

>> Or are we more subtle; to what degree? Etc, etc.
> Yes...we are learning a lot about this as we go.
>> Do we need accepted rules that govern the production and usage of 
>> Archetypes?
> We do, and we need to put these together as we go...


Where is the list?

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