As an unqualified lurker in these groups I must say I was v. impressed
by the breadth and depth of knowledge of HL7 that Thomas Beale has shown
in these recent discussions - it gives me even more confidence
in the principled basis behind openEHR and the openess of the openEHR
people in their responses.
\Gavin Brelstaff CRS4 Italy

William E Hammond wrote:
> Gerard,
> I am amazed at the comments to your collegue.  We are making great strides 
> in bringing ISO/CEN/HL7 together with the potential of taking a step 
> beyond even harmonization.  I am in favor of pro and con discussion.  As I 
> read your earlier mail, I interpret those remarks as saying we don't need 
> HL& and don't even look at HL7.  

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