Greetings all;

We are two graduate students from Aalborg University, Denmark, taking our 
master in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. In this semester ?our 
finale, we are working with complex data interoperability to an Electronic 
Health Record (EHR). We are following the openEHR?s EHR architecture standard, 
and therefore also working with archetypes. 
We have a few questions we would like you to help us deal with.

- What we are trying to investigate is how to represent a recorded ECG-signal 
in an archetype, and therefore we are wondering what the status is on dealing 
with ECG-signals as an archetype? So far we haven?t been able to locate an ECG-
archetype, only the description of it as an observation-entry.

- We have described workflows and clinical information guidelines for the 
observation and clinical evaluation of an incoming ECG-signal, but we are a 
bit confused on how to map the clinical information guidelines to an 
archetype. Can anyone give us an example on how this mapping is done?

Best regards

Mie F?rch Nielsen og Louise Pape S?rensen 
Aalborg University, Denmark, 
Master in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics,
10th semester
Reply-email: 06gr956d at

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