Hi Sam,
  Could you email me the documentation as well? I have been very interested in 
this for a long time and even tried to volunteer to help write the code.

Sam Heard <sam.heard at oceaninformatics.com> wrote:

Ocean has implemented openEHR in the .Net environment. I will send you the 

Cheers, Sam

Mike Bullen wrote:     GlobalHealthUSA would like to design and implement an 
EHR system for their disease management system platform.  We would like to use 
OpenEHR but have the following questions:
   Can OpenEHR be implemented in a windows(MS) .NET environment?   
   Can OpenEHR be used to develop an ISP version so several doctors can use it? 
   Has any one done such an implementation before, if so is there any web 
   Can we use our existing SQL 2005(MS) database?   
   Is there an existing client used to access OpenEHR?   
   What do we need to download and from where?

  Thank you 
Mike Bullen 

  _______________________________________________  openEHR-technical mailing 
list  openEHR-technical at openehr.org  

          Dr Sam Heard
Chief Executive Officer
Ocean Informatics
Director, openEHR Foundation
Adj. Professor, Central Queensland University
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University College London
Aus: +61 4 1783 8808
UK: +44 77 9871 0980 
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openEHR-technical at openehr.org

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