Hi All,

The past 3 or 4 subjects on this list takes me back to conversations
that we had before (maybe several years ago?) when we were discussing
slots and links.  Maybe they were here maybe they were on the ARB list.
I do not recall now.  

But my feeling in both of these areas are that there is a tendency for
archetype developers to create archetypes that are more than one
clinical concept.  IIRC, that is about the time that templates were
being thought of/designed to alleviate the pressure on archetypes to
serve everyone, everywhere.  

As Heath has just mentioned, templates are the better place for this
type of grouping.  They tend to provide that ability to be more
localized.  Remember that when you are creating or reusing archetypes
that they should be universally reusable.  If they are not, then they do
not meet the basic requirement of being a single clinical concept.  This
is fundamental to openEHR being future proof.  

The misuse of slots and probably any use of links in a particular
archetype; IMHO is a very bad thing and will lead us down the road that
we see with data model centric systems as opposed to our information

While I am not a clinician nor a lab tech I do ask those of you creating
archetypes to review the fundamental principles of archetypes and
templates.  Then think twice before publishing an artifact. 

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