Hi Heather,

I think that I have the wrong archetype repository, I've downloaded all my 
archetypes from> http://www.openehr.org/svn/knowledge/archetypes/dev/

How can I download all the archetypes from the current CKM? it has a SVN?

Having two different repositories online is a bit confusing, I think the 
openEHR people can kill http://www.openehr.org/svn/knowledge/archetypes/dev/ 
and make only the current CKM the only valid openEHR archetype repository.

Thanks a lot!
Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:18:37 +1100
From: heather.les...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-clinical at openehr.org; openehr-technical at openehr.org
Subject: Re: How to contribute an archetype


Hi Pablo,

Thanks for your work.  

Unfortunately there are a couple of issues.  One is that you have
translated an archetype that is labelled as 'draft', and that is not
the same as the current Glasgow Coma Scale archetype in CKM - it is
nearly the same, but there are some subtle differences in description
in the Motor responses section.

Could you please download the archetype from CKM and update that one
with the translation. 

I have included my recent email to the list for further clarification,
below, and to give potential translators some perspective re the
approach on CKM.  You are very welcome to translate any archetype on
CKM, but please be very aware that any archetype that is still draft
could change significantly through the review process, and the
translation will have to be updated after content publication - just
pointing it out to try to avoid duplication of work, not to discourage.

Again, many thanks


-------- Original Message --------

      Re: French translation
      Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:16:06 +1100
      Heather Leslie <heather.leslie at oceaninformatics.com>
      For openEHR clinical discussions
<openehr-clinical at openehr.org>
      For openEHR clinical discussions
<openehr-clinical at openehr.org>

Hi Marc (and any other
volunteer translators),

To be honest, I'm not sure that we have any archetypes translated to
French, so we really welcome your involvement.

The easiest way for you to translate at present is via the Ocean
Archetype Editor - instructions for translation in the Editor can be
found on the CKM wiki at http://bit.ly/G2Ivi.
(We have been working
enable translation (and translation review) in CKM itself but full
functionality is still a little way off.)

I would suggest that the best use of your time and skills would be
gained from translating the published archetypes first as the content
for these archetypes can be regarded as stable.  Don't bother
translating the archetypes currently in team review as these are
clearly in flux, and will have to be redone in the relatively near
future. Next priorities would be the core content archetypes eg those
for the emergency summary http://bit.ly/BV5uv,
but remember that any of
these that are still in draft status will be changing over the next few
months as they undergo review, so I'd wait a little while for those if
I were you.

In any case, if you plan to translate an archetype, I'd suggest you
just drop me an email and let me know, so we can coordinate and make
sure there is not duplication.  Once you have translated an archetype
it needs to be uploaded to CKM by an Editor - so currently that role
resides with Ian McNicoll, Sebastian Garde or myself.  So send it as an
email attachment and we will ensure that it gets uploaded. 

Once we finish the translation functionality in CKM, we will be able to
enable reviews of each translation to ensure that there is consensus
about the translation as well - would you be interested in doing this
at some stage in the future?

Let me know if you have any questions and thanks again for your
generous offer



On 14/10/2009 1:40 AM, Marc CUGGIA wrote:

  French translation

Dear Leslie,

Thank you for your effort concerning the management of the CKM
activity. I saw that in many archertypes, the french translation is
often missing. I can spend a little time to fill this gap. Could you
tell me how to proceed ?

Im MD PhD, and work a while in the ED.

Best regards.

Dr Marc CUGGIA                              

  (MD, PhD, MCU-PH)

Inserm U936 Facult? de M?decine, Rue du Pr L?on Bernard 35043 Rennes

DIM - CHU Pontchaillou, rue H. Le Guilloux 35033 Rennes 

Tel : +33(0)299284215 - +33(0)672025620 - Fax : +33(0)299284160




Le 13/10/09 14:14, ? Heather Leslie ? <heather.leslie at oceaninformatics.com>
?crit :


  Dear colleagues,


Just thought I'd send an update on CKM activity, with the main focus on
the Emergency-related archetypes.  We are anticipating that Medication
review will be able to commence soon.

If you are interested in participating in any Team reviews please log
in to CKM and adopt the archetype to register your interest.  At
initiation of each review round all adoptors will be included as part
of the review team and be sent instructions on how to participate.  
Instructions for adopting an
archetype - see http://www.openehr.org/wiki/display/healthmod/Adopt+an+archetype



Plus there are some new videos describing CKM and how to register at 


    Users: http://bit.ly/4f4QGg

Registered users: 328 from 47 countries

Reviewers: 114 from 29 countries

Translators: 36



    205 archetypes

13 in Team Review (including some archetypes undergoing a preliminary,
project-related review for specific NEHTA project, and which will be
opened up for broader review in the future.)

7 Published



 Concept Archetype ID Review round status


 Heart rate and Rhythm


  openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.heart_rate.v1 In Team Review


 Clinical Synopsis

  openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.clinical_synopsis.v1 In Team Review  


  openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.oximetry.v1 In Team Review  


  openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.problem.v1 In Team Review  

 Adverse Reaction



  In Team Review


 Microscopic findings - Melanoma


  openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_melanoma.v1 In NEHTA Team Review


 Microscopic findings - Prostatic cancer


  openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_prostate_carcinoma.v1 In NEHTA Team

 Microscopic findings - Breast cancer

  openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_breast_carcinoma.v1 In NEHTA Team

 Microscopic findings - Colorectal cancer
openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_colorectal_carcinoma.v1 In NEHTA Team

 Microscopic findings - Lung cancer
openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_lung_carcinoma.v1 In NEHTA Team Review  

 Microscopic findings - Lymphoma

  openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_lymphoma.v1 In NEHTA Team Review  

 Macroscopic findings - Colorectal cancer

  openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_colorectal_carcinoma.v1 In NEHTA Team

 Macroscopic findings - Lung cancer
openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_lung_carcinoma.v1 In NEHTA Team Review  








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Dr Heather Leslie


Director of
Clinical Modelling


Phone (Aust)
+61 (0)418 966 670

Skype -

Twitter - @omowizard

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Dr Heather Leslie


Director of
Clinical Modelling


Phone (Aust)
+61 (0)418 966 670

Skype -

Twitter - @omowizard

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