Hi Pariya,

The simple answer from commercial Ocean projects, with rich-content
screens is 'yes', though this tends to be a one-off form generation
followed by a fair amount of manual adjustment, rather than dynamic
form generation.

The other very important question is where these GUI directives should
be declared. If you look at Thomas's proposals for official openEHR
Templates and ADL1.5, you will see that the Operational Template is
the core technical 'dataset definition' artefact at the heart of
downstream code generation, message definition, GUI building. The
Ocean version of templates allows annotations (whicjh Koray uses for
his GUI directives) and a 'hide-on-form' directive which can support a
degree of post-processing but it is arguable whether this is
desirable.  Given the variability of potential downstream processing
and associated directives, should we be considering a further layer of
templating, leaving the Operational template as a fairly 'pure'
dataset definition. There is, of course, some overlap - some of
Koray's 'GUI directives', in particular, strike me as being
dataset-related rather than really GUI directives and which perhaps
merit direct template support e.g.

isOrganiser (g): when this is set then it will be shown as a group
which will contain all its children (i.e. as a frame, form etc.) The
Heading in MST is an organiser. A container object will simply be
ignored when isOrganiser is not set.
isCoreConcept (g):  This is an abstract concept; but we can say that
Core Concepts are real-world entities which we can talk about their
abscence (i.e. a clinical finding, a disease but not tumour grade or
physical examination). The directive depicts whether a node with all
its children (if any) shall be handled and repeated as a whole in an
archetype (i.e. makes sense together such as a clinical finding with
other attributes defining its nature). When the node and/or its
children are selected, its presence information is stored in the
corresponding ELEMENT node which records this (i.e. in MST Findings
archetypes [Present?] node).

So, in principle, should we keep the operational template 'pure', and
if so, where is the cut-off and how do we integrate that pure template
layer with a GUI/messaging directive layer(s).


Dr Ian McNicoll
office / fax? +44(0)1536 414994
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

Clinical analyst,?Ocean Informatics
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Editor www.openehr.org/knowledge
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
BCS Primary Health Care SG Group www.phcsg.org

On 1 December 2010 09:55, Pariya Kashfi <hajar.kashfi at chalmers.se> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Linked to this email you may find ?a GUI prototype of a clinical
> application.
> The GUI includes various tabs, trees for presenting various categories of
> items and so on.
> My very specific question is "Is it possible to create such GUIs applying
> existing tools/frameworks"?
> http://www.openehr.org/wiki/download/attachments/18284548/new.png
> For more information please visit the wiki page:
> http://www.openehr.org/wiki/display/projects/Developing+usable+GUIs+using+openEHR+implementations
> Best Regards
> Pariya
> MSc; PhD Candidate
> Department of Computing ?Science and Engineering
> Chalmers University of Technology
> http://www.ait.gu.se/kontaktaoss/personal/hajar-kashfi/
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