Hi All!

There was a related discussion regarding GUI-directives/hints around june
2008, that I tried to summarize in the post
As you will see that post is somewhere in the middle of the thread, so you
can find other interesting things before and after that post in the

Now, if I understand things correctly there is now implementatin experience
from at least three projects regarding GUI-hints/directives (please add more
if you know any):
- Zilics (
- GastrOs Endoscopy Application by Koray Atalag et.al.
- Open EHR-Gen by Pablo Pazos et.al.

What about trying to formalize some recommendations based on this
experience, and perhaps even write a piece of specification draft that fits
the new ADL 1.5 thinking regarding templates and archetypes.

Would it be possible for anybody from any of the three projects to start a
wiki page to describe your GUI-directives/hints and then we could compare
them all and get a discussion going on the list possibly followed by some
community driven development of a draft specification to try out.

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/  Tel: +46-13-286733
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