Based on Charlie's reply, maybe my own was not clear. openEHR is mostly 
not about solving the problem of openEHR systems talkng to each other 
(that is rare at this stage, as you might imagine; when it happens, 
there is not much problem to solve, obviously - openEHR is a single data 
standard), but in fact solving normal interoperability problems with 
other systems and formats. Connecting to HL7v2 messages, HL7v3 messages 
(these seem to be pretty rare so far, apart from the UK and Canada) and 
CDA documents, other formats like text, PDF, proprietary data 
structures, but also the IHE framework, Microsoft CHF services 
framework.... all this is already happening in the openEHR world. The 
main point is _how_ it is done. Instead of manually building a message 
specification for say 'microbiology', the openEHR approach is as follows:

    * build or source archetypes, like you can see at e.g. see Apgar at
    * create templates from the archetypes for use-case specific use
    * from templates we create various computable artefacts - such as
      template-based message schemas (XSD) and template-based
      programming objects.
    * template-based message schemas are used to implement messages,
      either as an integration solution, or as an end-to-end solution
    * template-based programming objects are used to enable integration
      with existing applications
    * all querying done with AQL or other archetype-path based
      languages, which enable portable, semantic querying for all data
      represented in openEHR format.

This singe-source semantic modelling approach is visualised at
. I would go so far as to say that the age of hand-built messages will 
be over soon - it won't make people in HL7 happy I guess, but the 
technology is now beyond that approach, and firmly in the arena of 
model-driven content and SOA infrastructure.

The final standardisation within openEHR of the templates and 
template-related artefacts are happening at the moment, based on the 
last couple of years' experience with this technology within some of the 
commercial openEHR vendors. Our experience of archetype-based querying 
has been extremely successful, in both EHR and population modes. 
Querying is one of the weakest areas in the published standards, yet it 
is probably the single most important factor in the use and re-use of 
data in health. Having a comprehensive and semantically solid querying 
approach is therefore crucial for useful interoperability (after all 
there is not much point moving data somewhere else, or transforming it 
if you still can't query it properly). We believe that the combined 
power of archetype-based templates and archetype-based querying will 
become a major advance for the field of health informatics, along with 
the emerging openEHR service infrastructure.

- thomas beale*
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