hi Tom

I was working with Heather today on the imaging exam archetype. Two
different considerations associated with identifiers came up during our

The first is that in the archetype design we came up with (still be posed
on CKM yet), there's a lot of identifiers present. These identifiers are
required to deal with the interoperability aspects of the imaging exam
report (i.e. PACS reigsters images with RIS, RIS provides report to
EHR, EHR tracks identifiers so it can provide links to RIS/PACS
resources as required). In particular, in several places there's slots
for various DICOM UIDs. To me, these are IT issues, not clinical
issues, so they shouldn't be part of the archetype design (on the basis
that archetypes are *clinica* knowledge)- but I do know that we
absolutely need these identifiers. Is there a policy about this?
Note that I ask this question with wider issues about whether IT and
interoperability concerns should be explicitly represented in archetypes.

The second question is that there seemed to be some operating
guidance to archetype designers to use the Text data type rather than
the Identifier type for these fields talked about above on the basis that
they are "foreign" identifiers. There didn't seem to be particular
consensus on where this policy came from (and I don't want to point
fingers...) but it seems pretty nuts to me. These things should be
identifiers, and we should insist on tracking the issuer of them (though
I couldn't care less about the type, and indeed, the presence of type
on DV_Identifier represents confused modeling). In our archetype, we
changed all the identifiers from Text to Identifier. Is there any rules
about this?


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