Dear members of the openEHR community,

Having reached a point where project Bosphorus has reached a functional
state, we have deployed and experimental web service under Opereffa's
current server.

The web service exposes the archetype parser functionality of Thomas
Beale's Eiffel code base with XML and JSON output. There is a simple web
application at which uses this
web service to display XML and JSON output.

The web service is as simple as possible to use: calling
an XML list of the archetypes in repository, and calling
the archetype name as the parameter such as:
the XML output. Simply changing the URLS to
access to JSON output.

There are known issues in the XML output, which we are fixing at the
moment, but we felt that the current state of the code is capable enough to
share with the community, to demonstrate the idea of turning key openEHR
infrastructure functionality into web services. Thanks to functionality of
the Eiffel reference implementation, this web service handles the
processing of ADL 1.5 specific features and its XML output is valid
according to published XML schemas (version 1.0.1). Please note that the
XML or JSON output is only data, therefore its content must be placed into
an AOM implementation to become a complete parser output, and we look
forward to hearing from implementers, especially in the Java space to
collaborate on this.

In the near future, we are going to be extending the set of services, and
we would be glad to hear about your ideas for new web services in the
tooling space.

The packaging and release of code will follow soon, but it will take time
since Bosphorus has a fairly complicated development setup, requiring Java,
C/C++ and Eiffel development setups to be configured jointly.  The
reference deployment of the web service is therefore the most practical way
of experimenting with functionality. There are issues related to
serialization of various AOM items, and it you notice errors in the XML
output, please let us know so that we can fix them.

We would like to thank Thomas Beale of Ocean Informatics for providing
access to his Eiffel source code and his contributions to this work, which
enables us to share our work with the community.

Kind regards

Seref Arikan & Professor David Ingram,
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