On 15/11/2011 22:19, Erik Sundvall wrote:
> Hi!
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:45, Seref Arikan
> <serefarikan at kurumsalteknoloji.com>  wrote:
>> The web service exposes the archetype parser functionality of Thomas Beale's
>> Eiffel code base with XML and JSON output.
> Very nice work! Does this mean that it will be easy to keep it up to
> date with the functionality of  ADL 1.5 workbench?

well, the workbench proper is the local GUI, so probably you mean the 
compiler, RM component, and so on, which will all be progressively 
exposed via Bosphorous...

> A web service taking a Template file (and archetypes either from
> repository or uploads) as input and generating an Operational Template
> (OPT) as output in JSON or XML would be very nice contribution.

Erik, if you can put that on the tracker at 
http://www.openehr.org/issues/browse/AWBPR it would help. I add 
functionality based on what is in this tracker, and between the ADL 1.5 
compiler and Bosphorous we will add this kind of functionality...

> There are a lot of magic output formats outlined in e.g. figure 3 of
> http://www.openehr.org/svn/specification/TRUNK/publishing/architecture/am/aom1.5.pdf
> that would be nice to be able produce online via http.

slowly getting there ;-)

- thomas

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