Further to my previous email, I believe the original intent of the name
attribute is a form caption of an element value,  the approach of adding a
numeric suffix to provide a unique key is contrary to this original intent.
Btw, another example of multiple names values conflict with this unique
name rule is multiple alias party-identity occurences, in fact anywhere
where you use a coded name such as a lab observation with multiple
occurrences.  Adding a suffix makes the value different to the code rubric,
which frowned upon in terminology circles.

On 11/01/2012 11:25 PM, "Heath Frankel" <heath.frankel at oceaninformatics.com>

> Peter,
> I believe this unique name rule should be reviewed and revoked. It is not
> formally defined, as indicated in your referenced Jira issue its only
> stated in the architecture overview in the context of paths which assumes
> name is the unique within a container. I have other examples where it is
> desirable to get multiple items with the same node-id but not the entire
> set and name is the obvious collector. It also causes issues in renamed
> templated items which you still want to allow more than one occurrence of
> that item.
> I believe that path predicates are context specific, some times you may
> want to use event time or entry uid for example, and should not be dictated
> by the reference model.
> Heath
> On 10/01/2012 10:43 PM, "Peter Gummer" <peter.gummer at oceaninformatics.com>
> wrote:
>> Sebastian Garde wrote:
>> > A few other functional properties come to mind such as "type" in
>> > Re "type": This is the same as the property "name" (because of the
>> type_validity invariant)
>> Yes, funny you should mention that, Sebastian, because I discovered
>> yesterday that this is a bug in the spec. As is well known, the "name" must
>> be unique among siblings within a container. This uniqueness is
>> incompatible with the PARTY_RELATIONSHIP "type", because it would be common
>> for a party to have multiple relationships of the same type.
>> http://www.openehr.org/issues/browse/SPECPR-54 discusses this. I had to
>> find a work around for it in my software. I chose to violate the
>> type_validity invariant: when setting the type, I append a sequential
>> number to it to set the name; and I compute the type by stripping the
>> sequential number off the name. This ensures that the name is unique, while
>> permitting multiple siblings of the same type.
>> - Peter
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