+1 I think you're about to hit the right spot, it seems to be very near to THE 
solution for interoperability & reuse at a model level.
Learning from the Internet approach (the biggest example of interoperability in 
the world, that actualy works) the multi-component or multi-layered idea seems 
the right idea: having a common core for layer 1, a bussiness layer with EHRs, 
... seems just right.
Another big advantage of this approach is the gradual implementation 
capability: I can implement & certify a layer 1 implementation, then implement 
layer 2, ...

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 23:19:28 +0100
From: thomas.be...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at lists.openehr.org
Subject: Re: lessons from Intermountain Health, and starting work on openEHR    

    On 03/10/2012 23:02, Thomas Beale

      On 13/09/2012 10:15, David Moner



        2012/9/13 Erik Sundvall <erik.sundvall at liu.se>

           It would
            be great if e.g most of the future ISO 13606 version could
            be a true subset of openEHR instead of the current confusing

        This is something I discussed with Thomas some time ago, it
        would be one of the best harmonisation solutions, but probably
        with a slightly different interpretation. Since 13606 has more
        generic classes (eg. the generic ENTRY can represent all of
        being a subset of openEHR I think that openEHR should be a
        specialized model of 13606. Obviously this would require a deep
        analysis and changes of the models, but that could be the idea.

      I don't care about the linguistics of subset / specialisation etc,
      I just care about getting one model.... 


      - thomas


    although - it will probably come out to have multiple entry points.
    The 13606 model is about what makes sense in EHR Extract messages.
    We built and implemented a more recent version of that, using
    lessons from 13606 - the openEHR EHR Extract. There are undoubtedly
    a lot of lessons from 13606 Extract use out there (there must be
    because nearly everyone implements the standard by changing, so that
    says something!).


    However, other parts of openEHR are concerned with the logical
    semantics of in situ EHRs, not just messages travelling between
    systems. So I think there could be a common core, an EHR part and an
    EHR Extract part. Having one standard for that would be hugely
    useful for industry.


    - thomas



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