I have some proposals that might improve some aspects of the AE:
1. For composition archetypes
- by default start on the "content" area instead of the "context" area. (some 
of my students have problems with this, and defined the internal structure of 
the composition inside the context.other_context structure, and that structure 
sshould be on composition.content).- allow to define sections and entries 
directly on the "content" instead of only allow slot definitions. (when 
prototyping complete archetypes are very useful, i.e. archetypes without slots 
that model complete clinical documents with only one adl file).
2. Spanish translation improvement
- the translation is very poor, how can I translate the GUI terms? (Thomas told 
me how to do it some time ago, I can't find his instructions)

3. The AE is capable of consuming web services
- is there some way to do a search on the AE GUI that consumes a search service 
on the CKM to find, download and edit/specialize archetypes from the CKM 
directly from the AE?

4. Add DV_IDENTIFIER as a type for ELEMENT.value
- it's not possible to define a constraint to DV_IDENTIFIER and I think this is 
a valid archetypable class that can be used in many situations. Now some 
archetypes uses DV_TEXT or DV_CODED_TEXT to model identifiers and those should 
be modelled using DV_IDENTIFIER.
What do you think?

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos                                        
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