On 14/11/2014 00:57, Ian McNicoll wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> I would agree, this information is also carried in the Archetype
> Editor property files, although I suspect not as well maintained as
> the UCUM file.
> @Thomas - the profile suggestion is interesting but it feels to me
> that it adds level of categorisation that is likely to be imprecise
> e.g map is certainly not just only used in anaesthesia, and even the
> use of imperial vs metric is likely to e somewhat blended in places
> e.g the UK where although metric is used officially, it is quite
> common for patients themselves to use imperial.

yes, exactly. That's why this thought it just a thought, and I have 
never proposed it seriously in the formalism - as soon as you start 
digging, everything gets muddy. Units may be one of the few things where 
profiles could even be stated. The question is then what do tools do 
with the profiles.

- thomas

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