Hi Sebastian

I've tested a dozen or so archetypes from various CKMs, (some with <uid> and 
some without), and all the XML downloads verify against the schema.

Thanks very much for the fix

Dave Barnet

From: Sebastian Garde [mailto:sebastian.ga...@oceaninformatics.com]
Sent: Tue 08/09/2015 15:33
To: For openEHR technical discussions; Barnet David (HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 
Subject: Re: A question about the XML schema for version 1.4 archetypes

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Hi Dave,

This has been fixed now - please have a look in case there are any problems.

On 03.09.2015 17:23, Sebastian Garde wrote:
Hi Dave and all,

This is the Java XML Serialiser generating XML from ADL on the fly in the CKM.

The archetype editor is doing it "your" way as well,  and I would assume this 
is correct.

I am a bit surprised this is happening, because I am pretty sure we looked in 
depth at any the differences a while ago, comparing XML in the Archetype Editor 
to XML generated in CKM by the Java XML Serialiser.

All new archetypes now receive a uid as part of their identification (including 
on other ckms), but before that pretty much nobody was using this field, so it 
may be that we just did not notice.

So, my understanding is that this is a bug in the Java XML serialisation.
If nobody contradicts me, I'll have a look and fix it in there.

On 03.09.2015 15:38, pazospa...@hotmail.com<mailto:pazospa...@hotmail.com> 

Hi, the uid might be assigned by the archetype editor, before uploading the adl 
into the ckm, so this can be a bug on the AE.

Sent from my LG Mobile

------ Original message------

From: Barnet David (HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE ...

Date: Thu, Sep 3, 2015 10:31


Subject:A question about the XML schema for version 1.4 archetypes
I have a question about the XML schema for archetypes based on ADL version 1.4

The set of schemas we are using to validate XML archetype exports are 1.0.1
<!-- openEHR Release 1.0.1 OpenehrProfile XML schema-->
<!-- openEHR Release 1.0.1 Archetype  XML schema-->
<!-- openEHR Release 1.0.1 BaseTypes  XML schema-->

The issue we are getting is that sometimes an archetype has a tag. All those 
downloaded from our CKM (ckm.hscic.gov.uk<http://ckm.hscic.gov.uk>) have this 
tag, but it's not present on all archetypes from other CKMs (which may be why 
this could be a new issue).

The schema is expecting the <uid> tag before the <archetype_id> tag
           <xs:complexType name="ARCHETYPE">
                                   <xs:extension base="AUTHORED_RESOURCE">
name="uid" type="HIER_OBJECT_ID" minOccurs="0"/>
name="archetype_id" type="ARCHETYPE_ID"/>
name="adl_version" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

However, in the XML instances, the <uid> (if present) appears after the 
<adl_version> tag

Further, changing the schema to change the expected tag order to match the XML 
instances shows up a further issue in that the format of <uid> (according to 
the schema) should use a <value> tag like this

Are we using an out of date set of schema? Or are these known issues? Have 
people corrected the schema for their own use (if so could I have a copy 

Kind regards

Dave Barnet
Interoperability Lead
Interoperability Specifications
Health & Social Care Information Centre


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Dr. Sebastian Garde
Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb


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Dr. Sebastian Garde
Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb


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