Following from what you and Bert have said, it seems that the following could make sense:

 * Foundation announcements list / channel (= openehr-announce list we
   have now)
 * software / libraries / tools announcements (= web home page news
   items with cog icon, also here
     o this includes open source software libs / projects
 * commercial product offerings - currently we don't really have a way
   of doing this, but Industry Partners can post on web home page
   (factory icon)

I'm not sure what the right approach is, since there are many technical possibilities.

Marcus Baw has proposed moving to Discourse <> as a forum platform - maybe this is the kind of thing we should look at?

- thomas

On 29/12/2016 17:16, Diego Boscá wrote:
Well, we will provide for free a product that was behind a paywall
before (LinkEHR lite was the free version we had, and now the 'basic'
and free version is the equivalent to the past LinkEHR editor). I'm
curious what kind of announcement we could make :)

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