On 04/11/2017 15:47, GF wrote:
Even when the patient wants all data to be removed, this means removeal in the context of the provision of helath care. For legal and administrative purposes the data can NOT be removed but be available for these non-healthcare provision related circumstances.
One needs a label ‘deactivated’ (for health purposes.

EHR_STATUS has 2 Boolean flags - is_modifiable and is_queryable, which can be both turned off for these kinds of EHRs.

If people think we need more flags, they can be proposed to be added to this structure.

Remember: Even when the patient has left the author (HcP) has administrative and legal responsabilities. He is accountable for many years because fo actions taken. He needs to be able to defend himself.

exactly right. This is one of the drivers for the openEHR versioning system in fact...

- thomas

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