Hi Thomas,

from my perspective, this approach (by not being explicit about the RM classes (and semantics) that need to be supported by the Contains keyword) led to a situation in which two vendors (Marand and DIPS) can claim that they have a valid implementation of openEHR but are not compatible. I can't even tell if Marand (not support Folders at all) or DIPS (using questionable overloading of the semantics) is more right or wrong with their approaches on this matter...


Am 21.08.2018 um 17:04 schrieb Thomas Beale:
Hi Birger,

Note that no openEHR RM types (COMPOSITION etc) are part of the AQL spec - they are just used in examples. AQL doesn't actually know anytthing about particular types. Seref's intention is that it stays this way, and his proposed function, or some other equivalent resolver mechanism would be a generic addition to AQL that would, for openEHR structures be used for FOLDERs containing refs to COMPOSITIONs (actually VERSIONED_COMPOSITIONs), and also any other similar situation (e.g. in the demographic model).

- thomas

On 21/08/2018 15:52, Birger Haarbrandt wrote:
Hi Seref,

while I understand your argument regarding overloading of definitions (and I agree with your reasoning), I see a clear need to not treat folders as second class citizens in openEHR. Not including Folders in the official AQL spec and leaving this to vendor-dependent functions will not be helpful to allow portability. Especially, as the use of folders (especially when it can contain data in an ITEM_STRUCTURE) is becoming a common pattern to represent episodes of care.



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*Birger Haarbrandt, M. Sc.
Peter L. Reichertz Institut for Medical Informatics (PLRI)
Technical University Braunschweig and Hannover Medical School
Software Architect HiGHmed Project *
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