Wold, Saul wrote:
> On 05/12/2011 04:38 AM, Cui, Dexuan wrote:
>> Dexuan Cui wrote:
>>> From: Dexuan Cui<dexuan....@intel.com>
>>> This was made to address
>>> http://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1024. Please
>>> comment. 
>>> Pull URL: git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib.git
>>>    Branch: dcui/master
>>>    Browse:
>>> http://git.pokylinux.org/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/log/?h=dcui/master
>> This is an improved and simple version that keeps 1  package-index
>> recipe and updates the 3 kinds of packages at the same time:
>> http://git.pokylinux.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/commit/?h=dcui/package-index&id=fb26e81dcb6e27e2908294e406a3011baed0120d
>> This avoids forcing the user to remember which package type they
>> enabled when running "bitbake package-index". (I also past the new
>> version at the end of this mail for easy reviewing)  
> Dexuan,
> I am not sure that this is the correct approach.  I think that you
> should look at how the packages get generated based on which package
> classes are included via PACKAGE_CLASSES, then in each of those
> classes set it up so that when the package-index task is called you
> know which indexer to run. This would be moving what you have in the
> package-index-<packager>.bb files to their respective
> package_<packager>.bbclass files and use
> do_package_index[recrdeptask] += package_index_<packager>
> in the case of ipk it would be in package_ipk.bbclass
> do_package_index[recrdeptask] += "package_update_index_ipk"
> You will also need to move the do_package_index[depends]
OK, thanks very much for the detailed suggestion! I'll change to this better 

> Another thing to verify is the current package_update_index_* correct
> for the different package types? Looking at package_update_index_rpm,
> I am not sure since it does not call createrepo, there might be a
> reason for this that Mark H or Qing can comment on.
My understanding about package_update_index_rpm vs. createrepo is:
both can be used to generate rpm repo;
package_update_index_rpm generates the metadata about the packages in solvedb 
to have rpm install the packages into target rootfs. This is the current method 
used in do_rootfs for rpm. This is complex and the generated repo is not 
suitable to be exported (e.g., via http) for general use;
createrepo generated the metadata in .xml files and the generated repo can be 
easily exported via http and can be used easily by standard zypper (and yum) 
So in package-index.bb, I adopt createrepo for rpm.

Let me Cc Qing and Mark for comments about this.

-- Dexuan

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