On 09/04/2014 08:03 AM, Robert Yang wrote:

On 09/04/2014 10:12 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:

Quick question of style for the community to bikeshed on:  in the
general case should recipes be split into foo_1.2.bb and foo.inc, or
should they only split to bb/inc if there are multiple versions and
generally there should just be foo_1.2.bb.

I think that put the constants in .inc is helpful for upgrading, for
example, the SUMMARY, DESCRIPTION, HOMEPAGE, SECTION, inherit and so on,
they are unlikely to change when upgrade.

This is the same reason why I have split a bb into two parts when I submit upgrades. I feel it makes reviewing easier the next time a package gets upgraded. Trying to find the actual changes between a file being deleted and the new one being added might lead to missing something.

If there are unintentional consequence by doing this, that is a problem.

- Armin

// Robert

Specifically I'm looking at the libunwind patch for oe-core (moving
from meta-oe) which adds libunwind_1.1.bb and libunwind.inc.
Personally I feel that splitting them up complicates packaging and
should only be done if there's actually multiple versions being used.


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