> On Oct 14, 2016, at 9:18 AM, Jamo Luhrsen <jluhr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/13/2016 09:50 PM, Luis Gomez wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We are getting close to Boron SR1 so I think it makes sense to review the 2 
>> blocking issues we have:
>> 1) https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6575
>> Summary:
>> l2switch does not work well when mininet is disconnected and connected with 
>> no time in-between.
>> Description:
>> This is kind of old issue, since the He->Li migration the l2switch has 
>> experienced random issues in the system test:
>> https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/l2switch/job/l2switch-csit-1node-switch-only-boron/
>> Same test passes fine in Beryllium as you can see below:
>> https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/l2switch/job/l2switch-csit-1node-switch-only-beryllium/
>> The last discovery (just before Boron release) was that giving more time 
>> between stop mininet and start mininet made the suite pass.
>> Criticality:
>> Although this was a clear regression in l2switch test (Be->B), this bug was 
>> not initially marked as blocker because it was not trivial to reproduce 
>> (e.g. switch connection flap).
>> Risk of not fixing:
>> l2switch and other similar applications relying on ofplugin may not work 
>> well when switch connection flaps.
> Luis,  not that you have any spare cycles, but I wonder how reproducible this 
> issue would
> be in the case of an entire network being unreachable for some period and 
> then all reconnecting
> back at once.  A test with iptables blocking 6633 on the controller until all 
> nodes are gone
> from operational then flushing the rule would simulate that.
> This seems like a somewhat valid real world scenario which might make the bug 
> more important
> to fix.

So far it is only l2switch application (loop removal and address tracker to be 
more precise) that has issues with this switch quick disconnect-reconnect. I am 
not sure what you are asking here, trying with other OF apps?

> just a thought.
> JamO
>> 2) https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6917
>> Summary:
>> Flow matching function (operational flow reconciliation) is not stable.
>> Description:
>> I discovered this issue doing some random flow push test in my laptop using 
>> POSTMAN: adding and deleting the same flow few times produced an alien ID in 
>> the operational flow.
>> After that I have created a test that does exactly that: add flow, verify 
>> operational ID, delete flow, sleep 5s, repeat. With these simple steps the 
>> issue shows consistently for Boron (new test):
>> https://logs.opendaylight.org/releng/jenkins092/openflowplugin-csit-1node-flow-services-only-boron/758/archives/log.html.gz
>> But not in Beryllium:
>> https://logs.opendaylight.org/releng/jenkins092/openflowplugin-csit-1node-flow-services-only-beryllium/1854/archives/log.html.gz
>> Criticality:
>> Besides the test regression, I think there are applications in ODL relying 
>> on operational flow ID that would be negatively impacted by this bug.
>> Risk of not fixing:
>> OF applications relying on operational flow ID (e.g. to confirm flows) can 
>> sporadically fail.
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