On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 17:02, Sean Hefty wrote:
> >>This requires that the passive side be able to issue path record queries, 
> >>but I
> >>think that it could work for static routes.  A point was made to me that the
> >>remote side could be a TCA without query capabilities.
> > 
> > Are you referring to SA query capabilities ? Would such a device just be
> > expected to work without change in an IB routed environment anyway ?
> Yes I was referring to SA query capability, such as a path record query.  
> Since 
> the spec requires that the path information be provided by the active side, I 
> think that such a device could work without change.  (But it does mean that 
> the 
> active side has to provide some way to obtain the necessary information to 
> put 
> into a CM REQ, plus know what the remote router will do.)

It also means it needs to be able to put a GRH in on the sending side.
Not sure that is "free" in implementations as you have been noting for
OpenIB recently.

-- Hal

> - Sean

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