On 13/07/2011 8:37 p.m., Jonathan Adams wrote:
ntpdate once an hour/half hour in cron?, or grep for the message in a
loop and ntpdate if it sees the message?

That is a fix I have used for Virtual Linux guests, and it works well, but don't run ntpd as well to avoid the port conflict.

The 500ppm ntp range limit is easy to exceed with virtual hardware, since it isn't "real time" orientated.


but that's just the hacker in me ...

On 13 July 2011 02:56, Christopher Chan
<christopher.c...@bradbury.edu.hk>  wrote:
On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 09:54 AM, Christopher Chan wrote:

On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 06:52 AM, Christopher Chan wrote:

On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 03:51 AM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:


ntpdate -u
10 Jul 09:01:15 ntpdate[29929]: step time server offset
3317.946738 sec

IIRC ntpd won't adjust the time if the difference is too big, measured
between the system clock, inherited from the hardware clock, and the
ntp servers. I've see this on VMs a few times on Linux - if the guest
OS doesn't have a time source compatible, it'll usually drift a lot,
possibly enough to make ntpd give up. But then, since you're running
on iron (or silicon or something), adjusting the time on bootup with
ntpdate should suffice :)

I have switched from broadcastclient to specifying 5 time servers. That
seems to have got it to behave properly.

Spoke too soon...it's off by nine minutes after 12 hours....

Jul 13 07:42:44 bradsuper1 ntpd[414]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] frequency
error 512 PPM exceeds tolerance 500 PPM
Jul 13 08:02:27 bradsuper1 ntpd[414]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] frequency
error 512 PPM exceeds tolerance 500 PPM

What causes this?!?! The only thing that has changed is the fact we are in
the summer break and we have blooming renovators/builders coming in but they
don't start at 7:42am.

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