Hello all, 
Im new here, so please bear with me.

I have used this site in the past 
to configure a solaris server for Samba and windows ACLs and it worked pretty 

I am trying the same on OpenIndiana and cannot seem to get it to work.
Are there any good tutorials out there for this? (I did google and could not 
find any)?

Specifically the issues are with PAM, nsswitch, and setting the ACLs.
-svccfg -s name-service/switch 
--svccfg: Pattern 'name-service/switch' doesn't match any instances or services
Nsswitch does not seem to exist. (Remember I am new to this and it may be 
staring me in the face.)

-chmod A- /tank1/Data
--Try `chmod --help' for more information.

So the chmod accepts options in a different manner. I read the help page but 
was still lost.

Any help would be grateful.


PS. If im posting this incorrectly, sorry. Im a noob. :/

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