Moreover, providing security fixes has been a defined goal of OpenIndiana right 
from the beginning.

See the FAQ:

Q: Will OpenIndiana provide security and bug fixes to their stable releases?
A: Yes, absolutely. We view this as one of the key missing features that 
prevented widescale adoption of OpenSolaris in production environments.


I think a small fee for security fixes (on the order of, say, $50/y) would 
appear quite acceptable even to private or academic OI users.


  PD Dr. Oliver H. Weiergräber
  Institute of Complex Systems
  ICS-6: Structural Biochemistry
  Tel.: +49 2461 61-2028
  Fax: +49 2461 61-9540

From: Bob Friesenhahn []
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 2:52 AM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana roadmap

On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Jesus Cea wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 28/01/13 02:43, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Jan 2013, Jesus Cea wrote:
>>> Is out there an OpenIndiana Roadmap?. In particular, I am VERY
>>> interested in a security supported version.
>> How much are you willing to pay for this service?

I would be willing to pay $100-200/year per system for simple binary
updates and no support calls (other than if simple updates don't

I see that OmniOS offers commercial support ($1000/year for 2 sockets)
but they don't say if that includes security support.  The notion of
"support" usually seems to include someone to call to work through
difficult technical issues and not just delivery of updated binaries.

It is really not all that difficult to offer security support.  A
couple of people should be able to accomplish it for the whole OS.

Bob Friesenhahn,
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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