Fact #1 - The OI Community seems to be filled with a whole lot more people 
asking for features than there are developers to implement them.  Some of these 
are reasonable requests, too, but there just simply aren't that many people 
actually working on OI to make them all possible even if the developers wanted 

Fact #2 - OI doesn't have any real organizational structure, nor do the OI 
developers seem to want any.  You can't charge anyone a dime for anything 
without an organizational structure in place -- and you can't force an 
organizational structure down the OI developers' throats, or they'll simply 
leave, and OI will die.

Friendly suggestion:

If you want security updates, there's no reason why some of you can't get 
together and start your own business offering these updates for a fee.  OI is 
open source.  You wouldn't necessarily have to start your own distribution, 
although you could do that, too.  But the code base is out there.  You can 
charge a fee for these services.  And if you want to be real nice, contribute 
the security fixes back to OI for inclusion in later releases.

That'd be do-able, and probably the closest to a win-win situation that you're 
likely to find.

I, personally, doubt if you could make enough money on it to make it worth your 
while; but perhaps you could.  

It's called, entrepreneurialism.

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