On 2013-03-29 14:29, Hans J. Albertsson wrote:
Yes, absolutely; these are one-shot sessions: Not useful for say getting
on to a compile server and unthinkingly starting lots of compile
sessions in a twisty little maze of terminal windows.

What I would myself really like is to have a combined form: the
automatic niceness of the scheme I presented combined with persistent
sessions that can be identified and reattached in a vnc viewer app.

Ther persistent session form can still be obtained in the traditional
way, login, start vncserver in the background, go back and start a vnc
viewer tool. Security seems less than perfect then.

Well, to continue in the ways of a hand-made SunRay Server, you could
somehow (session manager? directory service?) store and identify where
a persistent session for a particular user (token in SRS speak) was
created and remained running. Essentially, this would be IP:PORT or
just local domain-socket to a DISPLAY maybe, with knowledge that it
is assigned to a particular user - without static user-DISPLAY mapping
that is made once and forever.

Then this Xvnc+inetd trick would start a single-shot X11 and vncviewer
full-screen to re-render that long-living display. Or maybe even just
redirect the protocol to save resources on re-packaging of video data.

This would give you RDP-like ease of use (single IP/port, with session
differentiation by login) and persistent sessions for running stuff
for a long time regardless of vncviewer disconnections.

See also:

I saw this software mentioned in this blog about organising RDP/VNC
access to consoles of multiple VirtualBox VMs:

I haven't tested any of this, on OI nor elsewhere. Passing on "as is" :)


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