I've discovered a few guys trying to get xrdp running on solaris. I'll see 
about applying their fixes to makefiles and paths and try. 

Skickat från min Samsung Mobil

-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: Hans J Albertsson <hans.j.alberts...@branneriet.se> 
Till: openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org 
Rubrik: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Added a page on the wiki about using Xvnc
  for multiple simultaneous graphical logins. 
That is SOOO linux... ;-)

To continue playing with this idea: I suppose the rdp server part is the 
important bit to get running on OI. Clients would most likely run on linux 

Has anyone tried to get xrdp runing on solaris?
Skickat från min Samsung Mobil

-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> 
Till: openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org 
Rubrik: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Added a page on the wiki about using Xvnc for 
multiple simultaneous graphical logins. 

On 2013-03-29 14:29, Hans J. Albertsson wrote:
> Yes, absolutely; these are one-shot sessions: Not useful for say getting
> on to a compile server and unthinkingly starting lots of compile
> sessions in a twisty little maze of terminal windows.
> What I would myself really like is to have a combined form: the
> automatic niceness of the scheme I presented combined with persistent
> sessions that can be identified and reattached in a vnc viewer app.
> Ther persistent session form can still be obtained in the traditional
> way, login, start vncserver in the background, go back and start a vnc
> viewer tool. Security seems less than perfect then.

Well, to continue in the ways of a hand-made SunRay Server, you could
somehow (session manager? directory service?) store and identify where
a persistent session for a particular user (token in SRS speak) was
created and remained running. Essentially, this would be IP:PORT or
just local domain-socket to a DISPLAY maybe, with knowledge that it
is assigned to a particular user - without static user-DISPLAY mapping
that is made once and forever.

Then this Xvnc+inetd trick would start a single-shot X11 and vncviewer
full-screen to re-render that long-living display. Or maybe even just
redirect the protocol to save resources on re-packaging of video data.

This would give you RDP-like ease of use (single IP/port, with session
differentiation by login) and persistent sessions for running stuff
for a long time regardless of vncviewer disconnections.

See also:

I saw this software mentioned in this blog about organising RDP/VNC
access to consoles of multiple VirtualBox VMs:

I haven't tested any of this, on OI nor elsewhere. Passing on "as is" :)


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