On Mon, 6 May 2013, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
   import multiarray
ImportError: No module named multiarray

Traversing /usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages, it looks like there
are almost no 64 bit packages installed. Is it possible to complete
the distribution so that at least numpy and its dependances are
available also in 64 bit ? For scientific stuff, arrays larger
than 2 GB are not so uncommon.

Do you have access to the C compiler which was used to build Python? If so, you can build any needed extensions yourself. It is probably best to install them into a private tree managed by 'virtualenv' so problems are not caused by conflicts with package management.

An even better approach would be to build python 2.7 yourself into your own install tree so that you have complete control over it.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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