On 21/06/13 14:50, James Relph wrote:
Both cswsamba and cswwinbind do seem to be working fine, they're just
not talking to each other!

Well, the lines you had shown appeared to show they were talking, just the answer was negative for some reason.


Look all good.

It didn't seem to even try the AD side, but I can check again.
Obviously just odd that it's working via other apps (ie. those using
PAM) but not Samba itself.

It might be Samba is asking for something in a wrong way.

Using PAM with winbind didn't work until I made those symlinks (and
they were recommended elsewhere)?

Do you remember where?
Have you tried the pam module from CSWwinbind or only the Solaris one?
It should be possible to configure them in /etc/pam.conf (I've not tried it yet myself).

And like Jonathan, I'd like to see the configuration.


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