Udo, Milan, Gary, and other OpenHoosiers,
Being at home with the flu today, I am not able to check the settings and 
packages on my hardware at work.
However, I can report some things.

Udo Wrote:
Ok, so one thing left to check: If you came from a8, you have to
reinstall the package gnome-vfs, that one was erronously obsoleted
in a8 and is therefore not installed in a9.
That quirk should be prominently displayed in the release notes.

I was able to check on my virtual machine the settings within files of 
/etc/security and /etc.
Withing exec_attr, all are set the same except that I do not have ...
Basic Solaris User:suser:cmd:::/usr/lib/ospm/lp-queue-helper:replaced by 
Desktop Print Management
... but printing does not seem to be an issue.

policy.conf is set all the same.

Within /etc/logindevperm, I did not have ...
/dev/vt/console_user    0620    /dev/console            # workaround for 
defect.opensolaris.org 12133
... so, I added the line to the file and rebooted.  Symptoms are the still the 

As Milan suggested and as Gary tested with cdrom, I can ...
$ eject the-USB-drive

Lastly, ...
$ pkg list | grep vfs
... reveals that ...
/library/gnome/gnome-vfs        0.5.11-        i--
is installed.

The usual symptoms of unmount/umount of the usb drive and trash/computer 
persist.  I'll try to force a reinstallation of the package.  I don't know how 
to do so just yet, but I'll figure it out.

Thank you, Gentlemen.
Stephen Stanford Jones
The Citadel, Department of Chemistry, Byrd 404
stationary:  sjones3ATcitadelDOTedu, 3-5876
mobile:  ss_jonesATmacDOTcom, 843-345-9338

-----Original Message-----
From: Udo Grabowski (IMK) [mailto:udo.grabow...@kit.edu]
Sent: Tue 2014-01-28 00:55
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Bugs 4043 and 4067
On 28/01/2014 03:28, Gary Mills wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 11:10:07PM +0100, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>> On 27/01/2014 20:30, Gary Mills wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 05:23:23PM +0100, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>>>> On 27/01/2014 15:22, Stephen S. Jones wrote:
>>>>> OpenIndiana Community (OpenHoosiers?),
>>>>> Bugs #4043 and #4067 recently were classified as complete and were
>>>>> closed.  From my perspective and through the most current updates,
>>>>> neither issue is resolved.
>>>> I'm writing this mail on a oi151a9 Desktop (completely unprivileged)
>>>> and can unmount my devices (I couldn't on a8).
>>> I'm still seeing the problem under oi_151a9 .  My profiles are:
>> Ok, so one thing left: When you come from a8, you have to reinstall
>> gnome-vfs, that package was erroneously obsoleted in a8 and is
>> therefore not installed after upgrade to a9.
> Yes, I upgraded from oi_151a8.  In fact, I've been upgrading that
> machine since opensolaris-126.  That package seems to be correctly
> installed:

That's interesting, my packagemanager showed that it was deinstalled
and obsoleted after upgrade to a8, and was not installed after upgrade
to a9; I had the same symptoms as you, which went away after I
reinstalled this package in a9.

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