Harry wrote:
> I'm not sure I get your meaning there... why would I not be able to
> benefit from zfs?

Bryan N Iotti <ironsides.med...@runbox.com> responded:

> At that point your data integrity is only as good as the filesystem on
> the host OS  (NTFS) , where your OI ZFS drives are stored as
> files. ZFS can't protect you from much there, even though this can be
> improved a little if you put each virtual drive on a different disk on
> the host.
> That's why I'd prefer doing it backwards, with an OI host and windows
> guests. At that point, all your data is on a ZFS filesystem and you
> also have less driver issues (as long as OI supports the hardware
> you're running on) since Windows o‎nly has to deal with the VM drivers
> as a guest.

OK, I can get that.  So you really mean getting less than the full
benefit.  And it sounds like some important stuff... especially since
this used server I bought has the ecc ram too.

There is still one good stumbling block for me though.

Maybe I'm trying to do 1 too many thing here.

It's really tempting to see what the 2x (older) 5570 3.3 ghz  xeon can do with 
full suite of adobe tools.  I've been running them on an oldish i7 and
expect to see a hefty improvment since the server has 32 GB ram.

My original was to put OI right on the hardware.... but then I started
thinking too much..

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