On 09/23/14 01:56 PM, Laurent Blume wrote:

Obviously, you don't know Martin. I've refrained from intervening in those threads for what, more than one year now? Just because I also hoped it would stop. It hasn't.
I think everyone refrained from answering actually. So what.

I don't want THIS discussion to be stopped. I would have liked it stated that none will happen again.

But it is okay, I'm not willing to hide behind anybody, I'll kick the one person I can kick out of this list.
No-one would need to be put off the list for personal preferences.
That is just wrong.

I think we made a progress here, and if you think you should not see someone's posts,
_use your freaking mail client filter_.

Someone thinking of kicking people around should reconsider he's own behavior.

That said, I think this manhunt should stop now.

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