The real concern the short or long period, how much support for Solaris 
kernels can we expect from third parties such VMware?
They may completely remove the "Oracle Solaris 11 64bit" from the list of 
supported VMs.
This may happen elsewhere, as happened recently at MongoDB.
This may hurt the illumos ecosystem in the short/long term.
What do you think?
Sonicle S.r.l.
Quantum Mechanics :
Da: Nikola M
A: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Data: 4 settembre 2017 23.11.48 CEST
Oggetto: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] So is Solaris officially supported till 2034?
On 09/ 4/17 08:18 PM, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
My question was very simple and I got a simple answer. Now, Illumos is
not Solaris.
It is a Solaris clone.
It is other way around if you ask me.
Opensolaris gave birth to illumos, from the same exact source code as
Solaris Express and then S11 did that exactly the same, adding more code
to same starting point (Opensolaris snv_134 onward).
So one is not the clone of another, but they are 'brothers by the mother
line' if you want :P
All this I write not only for you and me, but for a wider auditorium
looking for the clues or searching the web, just for the record :)
Personally, I prefer Illumos over Solaris but they are not the same
thing. That Solaris is supported until 2034 does not mean that it
will be able to run
on hardware that will be available then.
I would expect exactly that, to be able to run it on compatible but
newer hardware, and at least on Oracle hardware,
but yes, you are right - over time new hardware requires new support,
drivers etc.
There helps the thing, that same (even binary) drivers work for decades
because Solaris driver model was established long time ago and doesn't
need to change much. Even today most of drivers are shared between
illumos and Oracle Solaris.
One taking some SPARC machine (like T5220) from 2006/7 and trying to run
latest proprietary Solaris 11 would find that it is still supported and
works just fine.
But yes, being 'supported' and 'working just fine' and 'working' are not
same things.
For example on illumos, my old Dell D620 C2Duo laptop (T5600) seems to
have problems with processes being using too much cpu time, starting
somewhere between January and end of March (still running OI December
BE, that is the last 'working just fine'). And my wireless card is
'working' but I need to put "ath "03:08.0"
ath "pci168c,2055" in /etc/driver_aliases to have ath driver pick it up.
(AR5007G 802.11bg)
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