BTW all recent Solaris issues. Will try to share some of my observations.

Biggest problem of the Solaris under Oracle control is on area which one
one spotted up to now.
Current way of providing Solaris a a product completely cuts off any
education effort to learn anything about Solaris.
This not started when Oracle took control of the Solaris but waaay earlier
when Sun decided completely retreat from edu customers and they stopped
offering even 90% (or sometimes more) discounts for software.
In last 10 years this problem grew even more as there is no almost any
young admins knowing anything about Solaris.
Students simple cannot afford buy personal Solaris license on non-Oracle

I'm using Solaris more than decade and I remember when Oracle made decision
about stop sponsoring monthly London Solaris SIG meetings asking to pay
more than thousands pound a year for membership.
Last year I've changed my job and now I'm spending less and less time with
fully updated Solaris.

There is no any Oracle offer for professionals like me which are able to
use Solaris on own hardware but as they are not have constant income out of
provide services on top of the Solaris to pay full licence. This is second
huge class of cuts which is causing that companies are less likely able to
agree on use Solaris. Even if Solaris technologically is really superior on
some areas compare to Linux from point of view of companies investing money
in support ii is more and more risky into Solaris engenders.

*All because Oracle is slaughtering this community* or is treating them as
fits wheel in the car or unwanted dogs!!!

Only this completely undercuts slowly as biology is knocking out slowly but
staidly) from this planet some well skilled Solaris admins.

Only hope is that Solaris in form of OpenSolaris derivatives will survive
and will grew its admins base to some enough critical mass.

First some people must start writing more drivers for new/coming to the
market hardware.
Probably next step which can give new hope will be porting Solaris to
AARH64 as more and more such hardware now is able to control 16GB or more

IMO Oracle can spend only a little money to make OpenSolaris stronger as
*edu platform* which make Oracle Solaris future more solid.
On this are even Sun was crappy and Oracle sucks even more now :(
In return they can and should give back some parts of the they work on some
new parts to keep distance between Oracle Solaris and OpenSolaris as short
as it is only possible.
It should be as well kind of agreement between OpenSolaris and Oracle about
incorporating some parts of the OpenSolaris development into Solaris.
In other words transmissions of some goods/resources or written code should
be in both directions.
IMO offering to Oracle lx containers and sign of good will to incorporate
into Oracle Solaris could help Oracle as they could be able make they
customers be more happy about use Solaris and Linux together.
Some people at least should start consider such possibility .. even if only
Oracle will make possible to install OpenSolaris lx support on top of
regular Oracle Solaris as non supported feature.

Without such cooperation IMO Oracle Solaris will be dead way ahead already
"guaranteed" 2034.

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn:
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