On 04/26/18 08:53 PM, Sjaak Westdijk wrote:

After my update 2 day ago I see the same thing. None of my kvm guests
(suse, solaris11) are starting anymore. All of them are stuck in the
bios or in the case of suse the grub boot loader.

In my boot environment from openindiana-20180408 every is working fine.
Now in the new boot environment(openindiana-20180425) none of the kwm
guests are booting.

Below a couple of lines from the messages file:

Hi. Can you check if driver/i86pc/kvm@,5.11-2018.0.0.1 from http://buildzone.oi-build.r61.net/kvm-os-6610.p5a heals your issues?

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

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