   not sure if this is the correct way of doing it but I do as follows:

   making a temp-user called "xroot" and putting the following in
   xroot::::profiles=Primary Administrator;roles=root

   Now - I'll do ssh xroot@trgetmachine "pfexec zfs receive"


On 3/24/20 8:02 AM, Carl Brewer wrote:
> Hey, thank you for reading.
> I'm in the process of moving my data over from an old OpenSolaris ZFS
> fileserver to my new OI hipster box, thank you everyone here for all
> your work on it.  Virtualbox is great!
> In the Good Old Days, before zfs send, I would have just done a tar
> and pipe over ssh, or an rsync or similar.  I have ~4 TB to move over,
> so it'll take "a while", and probably a lot of duplication, so ZFS
> dedup will be a win.
> But, with modern OI, I can't seem to get an ssh in as root to do any
> of these.  I see, when running sshd -d on the host server, after
> getting all the sshd_config and ssh keys sorted :
> debug1: auth_activate_options: setting new authentication options
> [preauth]
> Access denied for user root by PAM account configuration [preauth]
> debug1: do_cleanup [preauth]
> debug1: monitor_read_log: child log fd closed
> debug1: do_cleanup
> debug1: PAM: cleanup
> debug1: Killing privsep child 17515
> debug1: adt audit_event(CONNECTION_ABANDON)
> I suspect I don't understand the role stuff in more modern UNIX, it's
> been a while since I've really kept my finger on the pulse, but anyway
> ...
> Can anyone here tell me how I should best move my data over from one
> big zpool to this new one?  Google keeps taking me to Ubuntu pages,
> and this is full of holes :
> https://docs.openindiana.org/handbook/systems-administration/
> I'm stuck at home for a week or two, and have time to work on this at
> last.
> Help!
> Thank you
> Carl
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