On 24/03/2020 7:09 pm, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
Am 24.03.20 um 09:07 schrieb Carl Brewer:
On 24/03/2020 6:51 pm, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

In order to make root a user again you have to run "rolemod -K
type=normal root" (either after su to root or prefixed with "pfexec").

That did it, thank you :)
Once done, can that be reverted?
Sure, "usermod -K type=role root"

Brilliant, thank you. My 4TB zfs send is now flogging my network to death, for "a while"

Wondering, if it's smart enough to apply dedup on the way? I changed the properties of the new pool to dedup is on, just after the send started (it didn't seem to carry the properties over when I peeked using zfs get all)



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