On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 01:14:05AM -0800, Chris wrote:
> OK here's a nice picture (screenshot) I was able to capture that
> pretty well sums it up.
> Driver is NOT the problem.
> I think the only way I'm going to be able to install OI on this, is
> by plugging my sata drive into a USB adapter, and install it there.
> Then after installation. Plug the drive back into the sata port on
> the MB. I thought OI had better sata support. It clearly understands
> the controller.
> Well. They say a Picture paints a thousand words:
> https://bsdos.info/OI/Screenshot-2021-01-22-00-12-55.png

Your picture shows that it's using the nv_sata driver for the disk
controller, not the ahci driver.  Are you able to configure the disk
controllers into AHCI mode?  Doing that might fix your problem.  Most
systems use the ahci driver now.  Here's how mine looks in OI:

    <mills@qtpie:1324>$ prtconf -D
                pci1b21,1062, instance #0 (driver name: ahci)
                    disk, instance #2 (driver name: sd)
                    disk, instance #5 (driver name: sd)
                    disk, instance #3 (driver name: sd)
                    disk, instance #4 (driver name: sd)

As you can see, it uses two drivers, one for the controller and one
for the disks.  Here's how my disks look in OI:

    <root@qtpie># format
           0. c5t0d0 <WDC-WDS120G2G0A-00JH30-UE360000 cyl 18687 alt 2 hd 224 
sec 56>
           1. c5t1d0 <WDC-WDS120G2G0A-00JH30-UE360000 cyl 18687 alt 2 hd 224 
sec 56>
           2. c5t2d0 <ATA-ST1000DM003-1ER162-CC45-931.51GB>
           3. c5t3d0 <ATA-ST1000DM003-1ER162-CC45-931.51GB>
    Specify disk (enter its number): ^D

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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