> On 2. Mar 2021, at 20:25, Richard L. Hamilton <rlha...@smart.net> wrote:
> The ENOENTs refer to libraries associated with the optional 3rd party 
> commercial product Veritas Volume Manager. format attempts to check for 
> conflicting uses of a raw device, such as if it is being managed by VxVM, 
> Solaris Disk Suite, ZFS, etc. In this case, it attempts to dynamically load 
> the VxVM libraries, but if they're not installed, that's ok, it just figures 
> that it can't do that particular test.
> Of the other errors, the first is:
> ENOTSUP on DKIOCGEXTVTOC on /dev/rdsk/c4d0s0
> DKIOCEXTVTOC (per dkio man page) is described as follows:
>           The  argument  is  a  pointer  to  an  extvtoc structure (described
>           below). This ioctl returns the device's  current  volume  table  of
>           contents  (VTOC).  VTOC  is extended to support a disk up to 2TB in
>           size. For disks larger than 1TB this ioctl must be used instead  of
>           DKIOCGVTOC.
> Not sure why that happened without looking at code, if even then. That'd be 
> code for the driver, part of the kernel, that would let one see what cause(s) 
> there might be for ENOTSUP on that ioctl.
> There is an implication there that the maximum disk size is 2TB. That's true 
> for SMI labels and I think for FDISK (MBR) labels, but I _think_ that EFI 
> labels can handle a larger disk; there are some mentions in documentation of 
> that capability. Note that drives larger than 2TB are probably more recent 
> than some of the driver or utility code...even with paid developers, there's 
> always new stuff coming along; although drives larger than 2TB were available 
> perhaps 8 years ago, so if there is a problem with them other than just 
> needing to use EFI labels, it is a sign of aging code.
> The second error is the ENXIO on /dev/rdsk/c4d0p0. Note that's different from 
> the first device, which was c4d0s0. c4d0p0 refers to an FDISK (MBR) partition 
> (presumably the first one), while  c4d0s0 refers to a slice (presumably 
> within the FDISK partition tagged as for Solaris). ENXIO probably (without 
> knowing which driver was involved) means that the physical device exists but 
> the partition doesn't (or there's something weird with the partition table?). 
> Again, someone would have to look at driver source to know exactly why that 
> happened; they'd also have to see detailed output of various commands that 
> could show relevant system hardware and configuration. I'm not going to 
> attempt to guess what those commands might be, and I'm unlikely to dig into 
> kernel code except for my own interest. But I'm just another person on the 
> list, not a "contributor" or "developer", so take that how you will.
> As you can see, even a first-pass attempt at understanding this stuff can be 
> pretty nontrivial, and digging deep enough to fix something quite a bit more 
> than that.

cmdkopen() has 4 cases for ENXIO, first one is when we can not get softstate 
(we can drop it, I guess). Other three are about disk label (cmlb_valiate() and 
cmlb_partinfo()) and some state variables, so it has to be there. Next 
interesting bit could be get with dtrace:)

It is certain, there is something weird going on, we can post instructions for 
dtrace, if you are still willing to go on. It would be nice to get to bottom of 


>> On Mar 2, 2021, at 12:21, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss 
>> <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:
>> Gary,
>> Thanks. That's *very* nteresting. I shall have to study that closely. 
>> I ran "truss -f -o truss.out format -e /dev/rdsk/c4d0"
>> down at the end of a *very* long output is this tidbit. Note the ENOENTs. 
>> The libraries being sought are in /lib and were found previously. I'm rather 
>> puzzled that with the device specified on the command line, format(1m) 
>> walked the entire /dev/rdsk tree and then some including sections of the 
>> filesysem I'd never heard of.
>> At present I'm trying to sort out how to fix access to the libraries. 
>> /mnt/misc is a RO filesystem mounted from the DVD, so the obvious solution 
>> is not possible. This machine only has 8 GB of RAM so I might not be able to 
>> create a copy of /mnt/misc in ramfs, but I'll give it a try.
>> I'm unclear about the relationship of c4d0, c4d0p0, etc. I can R/W 
>> /dev/rdsk/c4d0p0:c but not without the ":c"
>> 3994/1: open("/dev/rdsk/c4d0s0", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 4
>> 3994/1: stat64("/opt/VRTSvxvm/lib/libadm.so.1", 0x08046968) Err#2 ENOENT
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGEXTVTOC, 0x080477A8) Err#48 ENOTSUP
>> 3994/1: stat64("/opt/VRTSvxvm/lib/libefi.so.1", 0x08046968) Err#2 ENOENT
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGMEDIAINFO, 0x08047310) = 0
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGMBOOT, 0x080979D0) = 0
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCINFO, 0x080472A4) = 0
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGMEDIAINFO, 0x08047300) = 0
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGETEFI, 0x080472E8) = 0
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGETEFI, 0x080472E8) = 0
>> 3994/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGETEFI, 0x080472E8) = 0
>> 3994/1: close(4) = 0
>> 3994/1: stat("/dev/rdsk/c4d0p0", 0x08047608) = 0
>> 3994/1: open("/dev/rdsk/c4d0p0", O_RDONLY) Err#6 ENXIO
>> 3994/1: fstat64(2, 0x08046640) = 0
>> 3994/1: write(2, " E r r o r : c a n ' t".., 24) = 24
>> 3994/1: write(2, " / d e v / r d s k / c 4".., 16) = 16
>> 3994/1: write(2, " ' .\n", 3) = 3
>> 3994/1: Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS %pc = 0x080658CB
>> 3994/1: siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000258
>> 3994/1: Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
>> 3994/1: siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000258
>>    On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 05:49:05 PM GMT+1, Gary Mills 
>> <gary_mi...@fastmail.fm> wrote:  
>> On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 03:37:23PM +0000, Reginald Beardsley via oi-dev 
>> wrote:
>>>    Thank you again. Very helpful. The Z400 will only support IDE mode.
>>>    ACHI+RAID is the other option which I think only works with Windows. I
>>>    know it will not work with Solaris and feel fairly certain it doesn't
>>>    work with Linux or *BSD either.
>> ACHI+RAID does work with Solaris and OI, but you have to do some
>> preparation first.  I know because I have done that with my Z400
>> and installed OI on it.  The instructions are here:
>> https://superuser.com/questions/635829/how-do-i-install-solaris-on-a-fake-raid-a-k-a-ahciraid-sata-sas-controller/635830#635830
>> -- 
>> -Gary Mills-        -refurb-        -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-
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