On Tue, Mar 02, 2021 at 08:40:51PM -0800, Joshua M. Clulow via 
openindiana-discuss wrote:
> If ahci(7D) does indeed support this controller, and it's just that
> the association with the specific PCI ID is missing, that's incredibly
> easy to fix in illumos and then nobody needs to do the manual
> update_drv dance ever again.  At present, it's just attaching to the
> AHCI 1.0 PCI device class, 01:06:01:
> http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/pkg/manifests/driver-storage-ahci.mf?r=fd6d41c5#46-47

The only permanent change to OI on my Z400 is this addition to

    ahci "pci8086,2822.103c.1309.0"

I've since done many OS upgrades to the system, but never needed
to make that change again.  Mostly, I forgot that I had done it.

> But if we need to bind it to more specific devices that do not
> advertise the class, it would just mean more aliases in the package
> manifest.  It'd help to collect the data from prtconf and file a bug
> report to start with, and then making the actual change is not likely
> to be a great deal more work after that.
> It's always best to file and fix the underlying bug where we can,
> rather than propagate workarounds like this.

I looked around for my notes on the first install of OI on my Z400,
but couldn't find anything.  Maybe it was that easy that I didn't
bother making notes.  I do recall that only needed to follow the first
part of the instructions.  The main thing is the add_drv and rebuilding
the boot archive.  There was only one BE, of course.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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