The install completed normally. On the first boot attempt I selected every 
boot option *except* graphical console. It stalled part way with SCSI time 
outs. I inadvertently dropped the power while messing with other stuff.

In the 2nd boot attempt I selected *all* the boot options in 2021.04.05. This 
time it came up to single user mode. I logged in as root and took a quick look 
at the pool and when I hit ^d it came up and started lightdm.

It did *not* install the nVIDIA driver, but is otherwise fully functional. 
Running "nvidia-xconfig" hosed lightdm and I've not been able to restart that. 
Deleting /etc/xorg.conf and doing an "init 6" fixed it and I came up with 
lightdm running and 1600x1200 resolution in landscape mode.

I don't know if this helps or not. There is clearly something strange going on. 
I just tried a reboot using the same options as the first time after the 
install. It came up all the way when I hit ^d at the single user prompt.


On Friday, April 30, 2021, 04:21:19 PM CDT, Reginald Beardsley via 
openindiana-discuss <> wrote:

I've started an install of 2021.04.05 to a 32 GB flash drive on a Z400. I'll 
see if that provides any information. I used the text installer from the GUI 
desktop, so it will be slow.

My 8 port KVM switch died so most of my systems were down. The replacement, a 4 
port dual monitor KVM switch came today. Then I discovered that I also need 
Display Port to VGA adapters :-(

When I set up my NL40 it was not possible to boot from a RAIDZ, so the popular 
wisdom was to use a USB flash drive for the root pool. I didn't like that so I 
created a 100 GB rpool slice in s0 and the rest of the disk in s1.

After installing into the rpool, I created a 4 way mirror and a 4 disk RAIDZ2 

I recently rebuilt it using a single RAIDZ2 array to verify we could now boot 
from RAIDZ. It worked fine.

I'll post once the install finishes and I've had time to mess with it a bit. I 
assume you've checked that the BIOS will allow USB boot.

IIRC the Z400 would not boot from the USB Live Image. So I don't hold out a lot 
of hope, but it's not much effort for me to give it a try.

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