------ Original Message ------
From "Toomas Soome via openindiana-discuss"
To "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org>
Cc "Toomas Soome" <tso...@me.com>
Date 2024-05-21 12:42:46 AM
Subject Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Sun Management Centre

 On 21. May 2024, at 10:28, Rainer Heilke <rhei...@dragonhearth.com> wrote:

 Just a quick update:
 I'll still try to see if I can find any OpenIndiana.org references to smc (not 
having found them yet, I suspect they were third party pages), but I don't 
think I'll get to play with RBAC. It seems my test system likes to lose any USB 
drives on reboot, and when/if I get them back, all data is gone. zpool is even 
telling me that one zpool has a property that has never existed on this box:
 This pool uses the following feature(s) not supported by this system:
 cannot import 'Work': unsupported version or feature

We do not support com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2, so you have used OpenZFS based 
implementation to create this pool. To create pool which is supposed to be 
shared between different systems, you need to either create it on illumos, or 
disable feature flags on creation and enable them as needed.
I previously used one of the two drives on FreeBSD with OpenZFS, but the current pool (a mirror) was created under OpenIndiana/hipster. It seems zpool -a is seeing the old destroyed FreeBSD/OpenZFS, but not the current OI pool. Interesting. Also annoying. :/

There is a work to build arm support, there are even some images to allow to 
run the current state of the work, but there is still much work ahead about 
supporting arm.
That will be interesting. Thanks for the info.

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