That would be a good estimate, but not definitive. Better would be for RE to query the bugs fixed between two tagged builds and use that to list the bugs fixed. There is a JIRA filed for doing this:

-- Kevin

Stephen F Northover wrote:
I suppose we could query JIRA for bugs fixed within a certain date range.


On 2014-01-13 7:25 PM, Herve Girod wrote:
OK, I understand, but thanks for your answer though.


2014/1/14 Kevin Rushforth <>

Unfortunately, this is not currently available, as we don't have a good
way to track and tag the bugs as to which build they were fixed in.

-- Kevin

Herve Girod wrote:


I just noticed that the new JDK 8 build 123 appeared today or yesterday.
usual it include the change list for the JDK. However, how is it possible to know what JavaFX changes (JIRA RT ?) have been applied to each build ?



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