
Generally speaking I have to say that I'm not really a fan of this
javafx-properties additions:

a) IDEs now need to be taught this special case to show JavaFX javadoc
   on hover - Eclipse does that we Luna not sure others understand that
   pattern yet

b) Inconsistent pattern useage - sometimes the doc is on the field
   sometimes it is on property-method

c) You can most likely not turn on warnings for incorrect and missing
   javadoc because they don't yet understand this pattern (at least in
   Eclipse it does not work)

d) There is no spec - well I know JavaFX is not JSRed - but javadoc
   -help does not even list this!

e) I think it is a bad habit that a OpenJDK project makes up its own
   rules - what if any project would set out its own javadoc special

All the abuse of stuff like javadoc, @Deprecated for none-public API
make it hard to e.g. turn on warnings on the project because you are
getting too much noise to really see the ones that matter.

Enough rant ;-)


On 17.05.14 02:31, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Try:
>    javadoc -javafx ...
> -- Kevin
> Florian Brunner wrote:
>> As far as I'm aware, with Java SE 8 you don't have to specify a
>> docklet anymore. The default docklet already supprts JavaFX properties.
>> But when I generate the Javadoc, the section "Property description:
>> ..." is missing in the getters and the setters.
>> I noticed however, that the JavaFX 8 Javadoc does have these sections
>> (e.g. see Button.setDefaultButton:
>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/control/Button.html#setDefaultButton-boolean-
>> )
>> How did you manage to generate these sections?
>> Thanks for some hints.
>> -Florian

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