If I'm resorting to native code I care a lot less about it being cross-platform 
(not 100% less, but less). Give me a GLContext on Linux and Mac and whatever 
DirectX has on Windows. I just want a way to get content generated on the 
native side to the screen without losing performance. 


> On Jul 21, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Joseph Andresen <joseph.andre...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
> That's a good point Robert,
> If the GLContext work that steve and felipe did become an actual thing, this 
> would help that cause become cross platform.
> Angle also is strictly es2, and I haven't looked at prism es2 in a while but 
> I think we use GL2 calls for desktop in some cases. We would have to address 
> those cases (if even possible) before any work started.
> -Joe
>> On 7/21/2014 10:40 AM, Robert Krüger wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Joseph Andresen
>> <joseph.andre...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> I also forgot,
>>> The argument could be made that if we did indeed use angle, we could ditch
>>> our directx 9 pipeline altogether and just use "one" hardware pipeline. We
>>> would really have to evaluate this though, and I am not sure the work would
>>> be worth the benefit (if there even is any).
>> Well, at least the presence of the directx pipeline was used as an
>> argument against exposing a GL context via a low-level native api,
>> which quite a number of people with particular graphics/performance
>> requirements need IIRC, so this would be a potential benefit.

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